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Environmental Sciences
Analytical chemistry
Atmospheric processes
Biodiversity and conservation
Ecosystem structures & functions
Energy and Environment
Environmental chemistry
Food Technology
Advances in food science and technology
Food additives and food quality assurance
Food packaging technology
Principles of the food processing & preservation
Technology of Meat Products
Technology of milk and milk products
Business Economics
Applied business statistics
Business ecosystem and entrepreneurship
Economics of services
Financial market and institutions
Fundamentals of econometrics
Global business environment
Historical and Comparative Linguistics
Indian Grammatical Tradition: Paninian Linguistics
Introduction to Computational Linguistics and Speech processing
A. Advanced Syntax
A. Introduction to Formal Semantics
Advanced Phonology
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Environmental Sciences
Analytical chemistry
Atmospheric processes
Biodiversity and conservation
Ecosystem structures & functions
Energy and Environment
Environmental chemistry
Food Technology
Advances in food science and technology
Food additives and food quality assurance
Food packaging technology
Principles of the food processing & preservation
Technology of Meat Products
Technology of milk and milk products
Business Economics
Applied business statistics
Business ecosystem and entrepreneurship
Economics of services
Financial market and institutions
Fundamentals of econometrics
Global business environment
Historical and Comparative Linguistics
Indian Grammatical Tradition: Paninian Linguistics
Introduction to Computational Linguistics and Speech processing
A. Advanced Syntax
A. Introduction to Formal Semantics
Advanced Phonology
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