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Sanskrit (M.A)
Sanskrit Poetics
Svapnavasavadattam (For B.C.A., B.B.A.)
Grammar and linguistics
History of Vedic literature
Indian philosophy : an Introduction
Prak Shastri
Prakshastri I year Paper One
व्याकरणम् - I year
II year - समासः
New English Reader For Prak-Shastri
Prak Shastri - 2nd Year | Tarkasopnam
Food and Nutrition
Food Biotechnology
Food Preservation
Food safety and quality control
Food science
Functional foods and nutraceuticals
Human Physiology
Women Studies/Gender Studies
P-01.The discipline of women's studies
P-02.Women and literature
P-03. Women and history
P-04. Women and economics
P-05. Gender psychology sociology and anthropology
P-06. Women and education
View all
Sanskrit (M.A)
Sanskrit Poetics
Svapnavasavadattam (For B.C.A., B.B.A.)
Grammar and linguistics
History of Vedic literature
Indian philosophy : an Introduction
Prak Shastri
Prakshastri I year Paper One
व्याकरणम् - I year
II year - समासः
New English Reader For Prak-Shastri
Prak Shastri - 2nd Year | Tarkasopnam
Food and Nutrition
Food Biotechnology
Food Preservation
Food safety and quality control
Food science
Functional foods and nutraceuticals
Human Physiology
Women Studies/Gender Studies
P-01.The discipline of women's studies
P-02.Women and literature
P-03. Women and history
P-04. Women and economics
P-05. Gender psychology sociology and anthropology
P-06. Women and education
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